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09/12 > loads of stuff in relation to food (space, race, gender, medical, justice)
linktree/lsfrc   | London sci-fi research community   |

Things to think about:

  1. Will this meal exist in the future?
    probably – but not in the same form. Dependant on what happens to our sad little planet, it might be canned mush, or maybe made entirely from artificial products?? Or, it might be super fanciful?

  2. Where did this food come from?

Seed, grain, farm, animals

  1. What does your meal remind you of?
    Reminds me of family, and of ‘fend-for-yourself’ night. Greasy fingers in childhood, burning the roof of my mouth and fingers. Hanging out with friends > 2-4-1 at 88’s!

  2. Have you eaten with these people before?

I’ve done a lot more than just eat with these people… and yet I’m still too awkward to eat?

  1. How does this meal feel/taste/smell? What would it be like with different gravity?
    I haven’t touched the food, but I can imagine its warm and floppy. Zero-gravity would probably lead to the dough touching the table… the stringy cheese falling to the ground

  2. What could our food look like in the future?
    probably shitty – no natural ability (or space) to grow food


what happens before food becomes food? Before it reaches us?
  food needs and differences – allergies, sensitivity, texture
in sci-fi > food is simply there to fuel us > barely enough… get from point A to B AND THAT’S IT! Because our body is a machine
Zankha – skanky food smell?
Some food can be considered a biohazard in one place, but delicacy in another
NOVEL FOODS – art and biodiversity > mutated and selectively chosen; social status symbol of richness and being posh (they were expensive)
pineapple = swinggers!

Bananas, watermelons > selectively bred – used to be purple and red and shit

Food that comes from far and wide > becomes a restricted substance simply because its tropical and has come from far away.

If a food was not commercially available before 2007, its novelty

Food for fuel AND/OR for pleasure (eating coz it tastes good), pain (spices, pineapple), and medicine (supplements, protein shakes)
poison vs edible = dosage level

Neurodiversity and food > subtle changes = major. Thicker slice, a tad crunchier – most wouldn’t notice, but can literally hurt

Huntsman spider used to help harvest cranberries (they keep away bigger predators, but will crawl all over people foraging) > interspecies harmony w/ food

Magic mushrooms = caveman’s best mate – helped led to our development
Fermented fruit = elephants wine

Food waste + eating disorders – idk man > not just food fights and fucking around… people with disordered eating often make, buy, and cook food to make it look like they are eating…… it just gets thrown away.


ANGELA = FOOD, CULTURE, CLIMATE, BORDERS – the past vs the present vs the future
colonial history and climate change
art history >   
the long shadow of colonial science – botony has come from the colonisation of the world… slave owners would order slaves to survey areas (see how it could hold crops etc) to see whether it was worth colonising for profit
Elaine Gan… rice mapping

Climate change has led to changing diets > people are more aware of the food they eat e.g. vegan... also can’t always grow the food we eat (thanks to colder weathers)
(racialisation of food??)


Artemis programme… moon to mars
how does one establish secure food systems in deep space for long term travel?

Orbital greenhouses… astrobotony > the study of, growth of, and nurture of plants in micro-gravity and solar radiation

Some plants (white spruce) exhibited enhanced growth in micro-gravity (in comparison to a control on earth) > they didn’t just adapt and survive in extra-terrestrial environments; they flourished

Spinny device – emulates microgravity here on earth… idea is that it can be used in urban spaces wherein the growth of plants isn’t possible so people who live in these areas can have fresh plants and foods readily available (no imports needed)

The 6th world > Mars becomes a Navajo nation… thanks to their knowledge on the language and environments around them, they find food and safe haven > spiritual connectiveness with plants and animals, and natural resources. They know how to care for nature, without exploiting it.
- Food isn’t just for fuel, once again… it can nourish the spirit –


FRANCIS – food in relation to games
- do we play games while we eat? While we think about eating???????????????
meals can be a form of storytelling…. Recipes are a piece of history


food futures… a story, a moodboard, poetry, a thought and feeling… not a game jam, just a jam!

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