To the left is a Blender scene I have been working on since the start of semester one. Toward the beginning, this space was intended to just be a calming forest scene, however, our technician suggested we add a story to our scenes to bring them to life. I decided to go for a murder scene - like something pulled straight out of Blair Witch. Once completing my scene, I took it into Unity to add some spooky lights and flames for my campfire. These lights make it look more like a UFO has landed nearby, rather than a dark, moody, scene, but I really like the effect this creates.
Throughout this, we have also been taught shaders in Unity. We were shown how to create water, as well as semi-opaque fog. Annoyingly, I didn't save my scenes correctly, so now I only have access to our fog shaders... I have most definitely learned from this. In my free time, I played around and found pretty good ways to create rain and embers.

After learning about these shaders, our technician needed a scene to bring them all together - he chose mine and created the scene to the left. I tried to recreate the scene to the best of my ability, but have absolutely no clue how he created the moody lighting using our fog. I chose to stick with my UFO headlights.

Using fog...

Using fog and rain...
Using fog, rain, and fire embers...